Our company offers a variety of services to meet your project’s needs. We believe that every project is unique, and can customize our approach to fit your particular project. 


Civil and Structural Engineering

  • Design of residential and public buildings
  • Design of educational institutions
  • Design of medical and health facilities
  • Design of cultural and sports buildings
  • Design of transport facilities
  • Design of memorials
  • Design of religious buildings
  • Design of  buildings remodeling

Interior and Exterior design

Design of Urban Environment  

  • Landscape design
  • Planning and design of exhibition areas


Design of Structural Systems

  • Static and dynamic analysis and design of structural systems of buildings and structures
  • Static and dynamic analysis and design of large-span spatial structures


Design of Engineering Systems

  • Design of heating systems
  • Design of ventilation and air conditioning systems
  • Design of water supply and sewerage systems
  • Design of electric power supply and electric lighting systems
  • Design of communication and telecommunication systems
  • Design of fire alarm systems
  • Design of gas supply systems
  • Design of TV and radio communication systems.
  • Design of external communication network/utilities


Introduction of Innovative Technologies in Construction

  • Assessment of vulnerability and risk of collapse of existing buildings and structures
  • Development and testing of new methods to enhance the seismic resistance of existing buildings and structures 
  • Development and testing of innovative construction technologies for application in the design of new buildings and structures
  • Development of design with use of innovative technologies of building erection.


Development of Estimates

  • Determination of the estimated cost of construction of designed objects
  • Development of construction projects and works, according to the acting order of processing and production of construction documents
  • Development of new building assessment systems and their inclusion in the information register of the current regulatory framework

Design by

Development by Astudio